E21 Octopus Network w Sheldon Dearr | Web 3 adventurer and the NEAR-based mulit-chain interoperable crypto-network for launching appchains

Welcome to Ready Layer One, all things in the NEAR crypto ecosystem. We recently went to the NEAR Miami Hacker house and met up with OG in the crypto space, a web3 adventurer, Sheldon Dearr who is the Technical Lead for Octopus Network. Octopus Network is a NEAR-based multichain interoperable crypto-network for launching and running Web3.0 Substrate-based, EVM compatible application-specific blockchains, aka appchains. He explains what exactly is Octopus Network. How it fits in the NEAR and crypto ecosystem, all the benefits of the platform, and who should launch a project on it. This is one of those podcasts that by the end we had a much better understanding of what exactly Octopus Network is and we hope you will too. Enjoy.

Sheldon Dearr twitter - https://twitter.com/ArtimusLeton

Octopus Network - https://linktr.ee/octopus.network

Ready Layer One Podcast - twitter.com/ready_layer_one and https://readylayeronepodcast.com/

Joe - https://twitter.com/joespano_

Jared - https://twitter.com/jarednotjerry1

NEAR near.org/