Crafting the Web3 Experience: Few and Far

Ready Layer One Podcast - Web3 Podcast that focuses on NEAR


Few and Far - One-stop Destination for Digital Collectibles on $NEAR

Chris - Web3 navigator. Co Founder - Few and Far. CEO - Metaedge Ventures.

Dive into the world of NFTs and Web3 with Ready Layer One and Chris Gail from Few and Far as they explore the NFT developments in digital collectibles and on NEAR. Discover how Few and Far is evolving and building the Web3 platform with innovative solutions to key protocol issues, attracting Web2 giants, and empowering creators with royalties. Uncover the shift from physical goods to digital assets, and how brands are forging emotive connections with their audiences through NFT marketing strategies.

Get an inside look at Few and Far's plans to launch a creator studio, gamification, Quests, and Dynamic NFTs. We hope you enjoy this conversation that delves into the challenges and opportunities of building in the NFT space during a bear market, and the potential for brands to connect with a new generation of consumers.

Chapter 1: Introduction
00:08 - Chris introduces himself and is welcomed to the show
Chapter 2: Background and Journey
00:25 - Chris talks about his previous project and work experience
02:17 - Chris talks about his journey with his co-founders and starting to build on near
Chapter 3: Launching and Building Infrastructure
04:16 - Chris talks about launching in alpha version and building infrastructure
07:04 - Chris talks about the challenges of building infrastructure and solving key protocol issues
Chapter 4: Quests and Utility as a Service
18:17 - Chris talks about the new Quests feature and providing utility as a service
20:51 - Chris talks about applying the same principle to an artist's unreleased track
Chapter 5: Service Company and Helping Creators
22:25 - Chris talks about the future and whether his company is a service company
24:13 - Chris talks about how his company helps creators and provides access to publishing bots and widgets
Chapter 6: Technology and Contracts
32:45 - Chris talks about leveraging the utility of an NFT and not becoming overly restrictive
34:01 - Chris talks about the technology of how contracts talk to each other
Chapter 7: Web 3.0 and Profit
39:24 - Chris talks about how a project could make a profit in Web 3.0
Chapter 8: Conclusion
48:04 - Chris thanks the host and concludes the interview




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